The Honorable George E. Pataki

Governor of New York
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor Pataki:

In the wake of the current disaster of September 11, 2001, the supplemental budget for New York State has been delayed at this time. In this budget, $11.2 million was to have been allocated for Bilingual Categorical funds which provide funding for programs for 200,000 limited English proficient/English language learners (LEP/ELLs) in New York State.

Bilingual Categorical monies fund various programs for LEP/ELLs including thirteen Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Centers (BETACs). The BETACs provide direct technical assistance to school districts in New York State. At a time in which all students, including LEP/ELLs are asked to meet higher academic standards and more rigorous graduation requirements, the work of the BETACs is crucial. They work with districts in the development of programs designed to meet the needs of these students and offer professional development opportunities which enhance the skills and competencies of all educators, in assisting LEP/ELLs to meet the NYS Learning and Performance Standards. BETACs collaborate with parents and community outreach programs to supporting and enabling LEP/ELLs' success in school. It is imperative that these funds be restored in order for the BETACs to continue providing crucial services, and especially after the events of this past week.

Please urge your friends, family and contacts in the field to immediately contact legislators and the Governor. The following lists some of the important individuals to contact. They are:

Governor George E. Pataki
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

Assembly Members listing: HYPERLINK

Assemblyman Sheldon Silver, Assembly Speaker
LOB 932 Albany, New York 12248
Tel: (518) 455-3791

Assemblyman Steve Sanders, Chair of Education Committee
LOB 836
Albany, New York 12224

Senator Joseph Bruno, Senate Speaker

Thank you.


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