Dear friends:
During this time of need NYSABE is using its website and this Message Board to help everyone stay connected. Many phone lines are out in lower Manhattan and it is hard to get in or out of this area.
We welcome your prayers and personal messages. If you haven't heard from a relative, please call the hotlines provided for you in this Message Board. If you cannot find a way to do so, we will forward any information about missing persons to the police department.
We all pray for steadfast faith, strength, and wisdom during this time of devastation.Our prayers go to everyone; we have all been affected by this devastating event. We need to keep the peace among the diverse cultural groups in America. We need to stay focused and help, as much as we can, those who have lost families and friends.
Thank you, God bless.
NYSABE Executive Board and Delegate Assembly
Please email your emergency message to or who are standing by to post your message. Please include a contact email address and telephone number so that website visitors can contact you directly if needed.
Translators are needed immediately!
NYSABE has been asked by Carmen Perez-Hogan, director of the New York State Office of Bilingual Education, to recruit translators to assist the City of New York in their disaster recovery operations. We need to compile a preliminary list by Monday morning September 17th for submission to Mrs. Perez-Hogan. However, we will continue to add to the list as additional people may not have access to e-mail until they return to work on Monday. All languages needed. We will update the list daily. If you would like to volunteer, please send the following information to , President of the New York State Association for Bilingual Education (NYSABE).
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
If you have been asking "How can I help?", this is one way that we can use your expertise.
Thank you for your cooperation and your assistance.
NYSABE Executive Board
Emergency and Victim Information
Please do not use the 911 emergency system to seek information on your loved ones and friends. Use these numbers instead.
- The New York City Website
- NYC Emergency Information: 212-560-2730
- FBI Information: To report any leads on the incidents in New York or Washington, call 866-483-5137, 800-331-0075
General Victim Information
- Partial List of Victims
- American Airlines: 800-245-0999
- United Airlines: 800-932-8555
- Justice Department: Office of Victims of Crime -- Information for families about victims and about services for survivors and their rights: 800-331-0075
- Report Safety Web Page
- Unofficial World Trade Center Survivor Database
- Federal Emergency Management Agency: 800-462-9029
New York City
- World Trade Center Vicinity Tenant List and Hotlines
- Missing Persons Information: 866-856-4167 or 212-741-4626 (NYPD) or 212-560-2730 (NYC). Relatives of missing people may go to the 69th Regiment Armory (Lexington Ave. and E. 26th St.) or the New York University Medical Center (1st Ave. at E. 30th St.). If possible bring a photo, dental records and other identifying information about the missing person.
- NYC Fire Department and EMT Employees: 718-999-2541
- NYC Police Department Employees: 718-677-8238
- Port Authority Employees: 973-565-5501, 973-565-5505 or 973-565-5506
- St. Vincent's Hospital: 212-604-7285
- Bellevue Hospital Center: 212-562-4141
- More New York City Hospitals
- City Mortuary: 212-562-3051
- Chief Medical Examiner: 212-447-2030
- Gov. Pataki's Emergency Information page
- Senator Schumer's official Web site
- Air Quality: Government officials haven't yet certified the safety of Manhattan's gritty air as smoldering debris is carried aloft from Tuesday's World Trade Center attack, but some experts say neither the air nor decomposing bodies should pose a major health concern. People with heart ailments and respiratory problems, however, are at some danger and should stay inside and avoid prolonged exposure to dirty air, the experts said. (Reuters)
- Animal Safety: The ASPCA has a fully-equipped mobile veterinary unit on the corner of Houston St. and West St. This group is working with other authorities to remove pets from homes south of Canal St. To volunteer, e-mail [email protected] or call 212-876-7700 ext. 4700.
- For more emergency info, see NYTimes website
Call For Assistance For New York
Dear Colleagues:
At this traumatic and crucial time for New York, I urge you to consider the following ways of helping our dead ( 10,000 or more) and the bereaved living.One Bilingual/ESL teacher lost her husband working at the WTC, she's with two infant children. The number will build up as I get the accurate information.
1. Volunteer to be the language translators for the State contact Ms..
2. Consider setting up a relief fund (NABE, NYSABE, NYSTESOL,NYAPPAE, SCOL,GNYAPPAE) for the identified Bilingual/ESL teachers, and others of your organization choice. Although there are many centers for you to make financial contributions it is faster and more reliable for us to reach out to the ones we know to expediate the process.
3. Volunteer your assistance to all the affected Schools in Manhattan through counseling, workshops, and relevant programs. Please contact me what you want to do. My Office had contacted the Superintendents of all the Manhattan schools and we are standing by for providing them with assistance when they re-open next Monday, September17, 2001.
4. To give Blood: American Red Cross 1-800-HELP-NOW www.redcross.org My son Albert is one of the Volunteer Director.
Next week, I will be able to help you disseminate your ideas of assistance.
Ed.D Chairperson, NABE World Languages and Cultures. |
For Parents In This Time Of Tragedy
Dear Family:
In this time of tragedy, we as parents need to think about our children -- no matter what age -- and how this event is affecting them. We must reassure our children that they are safe and that people love them.
You are the role model for your child. You must maintain calmness and a sense of a regular routine. This, of course, may be easier for those who are not in New York or Washington and those dealing with the loss of loved ones, businesses or homes.
A number of child psychologists have been on the television stations for the past few days helping parents find answers to coping with the tragedy and dealing with their children's insecurities and fears. Following are some tips we've compiled to help you with your children:
- Turn off the television when a child enters; limit the images your children witness
- Create a calm environment at home
- At bedtime, read your child's favorite story
- Talk to your children about violence, freedom, democracy and safety
- Address their fears
- Watch out for the "kill" attitude. Don't let your child hear you say, "Let's kill"
- Encourage your children to express their feelings through talking, writing and drawing
- Suggest that children help others, by sending letters to family and friends, draw a picture for a neighbor
- Write Thank You letters to your local police station and fire station
- Make red, white and blue friendship bracelets to signify our strength
- Hang your American flags PROUD (along side your native flag). Understand that the sweat and the blood of your ancestors made America what it is today, therefore you are American before anything else and that we stand united.
How can you tell if your child is being traumatically affected? Experts say the following signs will give parents insight:
- jittery
- irritable
- stomach aches
- headaches
- emotional changes
- trouble concentrating
- may be hesitant to do things
If you feel your child is having difficulty or if you are having trouble explaining this tragedy, we urge you to seek counseling. The school systems have grief counselors on-site to help children deal with their fears and anxieties. Local clinics and religious houses are also on-hand to help families deal with the tragedies.
We as a nation will get through this and come out stronger. As families, this is an opportunity to strengthen the bond with our children.
God bless,
Mahaley Bowles,
Founder and The Family of CuteKids/NinosBonitos
Dear Friends:
We in Buffalo have so many good friends in NYC that can not but be concerned and anguished by yesterday's tragedy. Our telephone lines do not seem to have any luck reaching you in the City. Our prayers are with you, your families and friends.
Cariños, Lilliam Malave and friends in Buffalo |
UPDATE: Ana Bishop & Family
We cannot go back to our apartment for the next few days, and even then it is only with police escort and for a few minutes to remove important things. We are spending weekdays with friends Mike & Fran in Manhattan, and with friends Bob & Denise in Westchester for weekends until we can actually move back in.
Both my husband, Herb, and I are essentially jobless as our offices (and all files, etc.) are in the apartment next door to where we live (we had a corporate rental in that apartment). We both owned our own businesses, and all our contacts, files, computers, etc. are in the office.
This week, Herb will try to get some key files and I will try to locate some clients (whose phones & addresses I don't have) so we can get some work done and continue to earn a living. If someone knows of a job or work for me either online or in Manhattan, I would appreciate it. I don't have a teaching certificate, but many of you know my skills and expertise.I will also be helping out where I am needed for translation in the city.
Elena is back to school, which is important for her, so she can be with her friends and get her mind off some of this horror. We were able to do a little shopping for school clothes for her and a couple of things for me (we were wearing borrowed clothes for the last 5 days). One of Herb's friends is his size, so he's only had to replace underwear and socks.
Some comments from my teenage daughter: She felt guilty worrying about her dad and grandma, who spent Tuesday night in our dust-covered apartment two blocks from the WTC collapse. She kept thinking that at least her family was safe if not together at the time, while others were dead. She also mentioned how trivial it now felt to worry about her hair and what she was going to wear that morning, when by evening it was irrelevant. And, she said to me: "I've always felt sorry for the homeless and refugees, but only now do I know partly how they feel."
My own thoughts while I walked 5 miles to meet her at her best friend's house right after seeing the two towers collapse: yes, we were all like refugees, zombies walking and walking, but real refugees don't know where they will end up, whether they will be killed on the way, and whether they will be turned back at the border.At least we had friends to turn to that we knew would not turn us away. To show you just how bad things are where you least expect it, this morning (Sunday) Herb called an old friend to let him know we were OK. It turned out that this friend's brother and nephew had both been killed in the WTC. So we ended up giving him condolences, rather than him comforting us. The impact of this event on so many other lives is still to be felt.
For those who want to email or call: please send only personal notes. Don't forward or cc my email with quotes from famous people, circulated prayers or poems, editorials or other non-personal emails. I have had hundreds of emails from friends and former workers and former clients so it helps to keep the volume of email down if you honor this request.
Thanks so much for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts.
Gratefully and lovingly,
Arizona State Association for Bilingual Education
My prayers have been with all of you since this happened. There are no words to describe what we saw on the TV screen so I am sure that this is even more horrible for you there. We will keep the "velitas" lit and keep the prayers going. Please let me know if there is anything we can do from here and keep me posted when you can.
Saludes y como siempre,
Eufemia Amabisca <>
National Association for Bilingual Education
Thank you so much for inquiring about us. Fortunately for us, not a single staff member was directly affected by the Pentagon tragedy. Although my husband does work for the Pentagon, his office is located one and a half mile away. (He was scheduled to go to the Pentagon for an afternoon meeting on that Tuesday, September 11th). I am still shook up by the close call.
We at NABE were somewhat frightened since we are only three blocks from the White House, so some of us left after the White House was evacuated--we just couldn't concentrate anyway.
I hope that you are also doing well despite the horrendous events of this past Tuesday.
Alicia Sosa, Ph.D.
National Association for Bilingual Education
Director of Membership & Publications
1030 15th St., N.W. - Suite 470
Washington, DC 20005-1503
T: (202) 898-1829
F: (202) 789-2866
Thanks! Our prayers are with all!
Edith Cruz, New York State Department of Education
Washington, D.C. - Like all our fellow Americans, our thoughts have been with, and our focus has been on, the victims and their families of Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. We are devastated and angered by the horrifying images we see on television and the reports we have received from the organizations that are part of our network in those areas. On this National Day of Remembrance, our prayers are with them and with the courageous and tireless rescue workers who are doing their utmost to save everyone they can.
In the course of our daily lives, we all too often focus on our differences. It takes a tragedy of this magnitude to remind us of our inherent interdependence, of the essential goodness of the American people, and of our love for our great nation. What this tragedy will show is not that America is fearful and vulnerable, but rather that when an unimaginable terror was thrust upon us, we found, to the surprise of some, how strong and united we truly are.
Though it has been understandably difficult to reach the community-based organizations in New York that are part of NCLR's affiliate network, reports that have reached us through the Internet and other means have confirmed that many, many persons in the Latino community in New York and from all over Latin America are among the missing in the attack. Asociacion Tepeyac in New York is searching for and reporting on the hundreds of Mexican nationals who were in the towers through its website, www.tepeyac.org. PROMESA Systems, Inc. in the Bronx is making available bilingual counselors to the injured, their families, and volunteers. The Spanish Theater Repertory in Manhattan is serving as a gathering site for the families of victims in a morgue nearby.In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, all of America has responded mightily through volunteering, blood drives, and providing assistance and support to organizations such as the American Red Cross. But more assistance will be needed in the weeks and months to come. Therefore, we encourage you to make donations directly to these organizations or, if you wish, NCLR has set up a Special Assistance Fund to which it will contribute. Every cent of such contributions will be sent to our affiliates in New York and Northern Virginia. If you would like to contribute, please send checks to
c/o Special Assistance Fund
1111 19th Street, N.W. - Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
We thank you for all your support.All of the Affiliates listed below are looking for resources and services offered in Spanish to focusing on the Latin American community so they can share this information with those injured and their families or with other agencies providing relief efforts [ as of 9-14-01 ].
Hispanic Committee of Virginia 703-671-5666. HCV is working with the Red Cross. They are trying to become an alternative blood donation site. We will post that information when it is available.
Asociacion Tepeyac www.tepeyac.org Asociacion Tepeyac is searching for and reporting on the hundreds of Mexican nationals who were in the towers through its website.
PROMESA Systems, Inc. 718-299-1100. Yolanda Santiago. PROMESA is assisting volunteer police and firemen who have come to New York from other areas. They are offering support services to these out of town volunteers. PROMESA is also making their bilingual counselors available to the injured, their families, and volunteers. Please contact them is you have a need for counseling services in Spanish.
Spanish Theater Repertory working with 23rd Street Business Association. 212-255-3037. The Spanish Theater Repertory is located next to the morgue that has been set up for victims. They are making their facilities available as a place to gather for families that have to make this unfortunate trip. This effort is being coordinated by the 23rd Street Business Association. To find out more please contact Sharon Ullman at the number above.
13th Precinct. 212-477-7411. The 13th Precinct of the NY Police Department is also coordinating relief efforts. To offer assistance in this please contact them directly. |
Support the Recovery Effort
Dear Supporter,
Our prayers and heartfelt condolences go out to the victims, families and friends impacted by the terrorist attacks that rocked the United States on Tuesday.
While there are no words to express our sadness, our hearts are warmed and strengthened by the heroic efforts of the emergency response teams and volunteers who are helping in the recovery.
In an effort to provide assistance in the aftermath of these tragedies, America's Second Harvest and Mercy Corps will use the proceeds generated from The Hunger Site through September 30th to support their efforts to aid victims and survivors in New York City and Washington D.C. The organizations will be providing relief until the crisis subsides, and funding received after that point will be used to support their daily work to provide international and domestic hunger relief.
So many of you have asked how you can help. One simple action you can take today is to visit The Hunger Site
(www.thehungersite.com) and click on the "Give Free Food" button. Perhaps the rhythm of making a small difference every day will help us all to heal. To learn more about the relief efforts undertaken by Mercy Corps and America's Second Harvest, simply scroll to the end of this email.
In response to the recent tragedy, America's Second Harvest will focus on what they know best: getting food and water to hungry people. The organization is working hard to stock the area food banks and food rescue organizations in New York City and Washington D.C. Critically-needed food, drinking water, toiletries and other grocery items will go directly to the people who need it most -- from relief workers to the families of loved ones injured or killed in this tragedy. The need is urgent as we are only beginning to see the full effect that this tragedy will have on our nation. To learn more about how you can help, visit www.secondharvest.org.
In addition to using their Hunger Site funds to provide meals to volunteers in New York, Mercy Corps is identifying and supporting local agencies providing trauma counseling and psycho-social services, especially for children. Using its expertise developedthrough 22 years of responding to international disasters, Mercy Corps will help bring help and hope to children and families in New York and Washington, D.C. Mercy Corps is also exploring scholarship funds for children who lost loved ones. Find out more -- and learn how you can help -- at www.mercycorps.org.
Greg Hesterberg, Tim Kunin and The Hunger Site Staff
P.S. Please invite your friends and family to join you in this effort.
Trauma of being Arab/Muslim Student
My wife teaches ESL at a local high school. She has students from 9 different countries in her classroom. Several are Muslim and/or from the Middle East. She wanted me to share with my middle school education majors what is happening to some of her students. I thought the rest of you might be interested as well. I hope we can all do what we can to prevent any more pain and suffering from occuring in the aftermath of the NY & Washington tragedies. -Bill
"Some of our Arabic students are having a tough time---Azher told me she was approached by a woman on the street yesterday who was angy with her being from Iraq and Muslim; and a man at her job the same. We talked about what she could do. She can tell them she is an American. She hated Saddam Hussein and left the country because of him.
We also heard that some American students said, "You Stink" to the table of girls yesterday where several Afghani girls were sitting yestesrday. Zainab (a former student and graduate of our school) came by yesterday to see me and said her husband warned her to not go out in public or go to her job---but she did. She said she is afraid. Why would people think worse of her, she asked---she attended the joint church service at a local church Tues. night with Muslims, Catholics, Jewish, and other demoninations--all praying for the families of the NY tragedy and for peace. A united service that says a lot.
Rabia said that students in the cafeteria on Wednesday said some words to her about being from Afghanistan in a derogatory way. She asked me, "Why" when Bin Laden was responsible for her dad's death. She said, "I would drink bin Laden's blood--that is how much I hate him. I left Afghanistan because of him. Why do students accuse me about deaths in NY City?"
William E. Lopez Ed.D
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Teachers College
Dear Brothers and Sisters from New York: My thoughts, prayers and hopes are with you all. Cariños, Maria (Mimi) Retana (author) |
To All: May God bless you all in the this time of need. We feel a sense of loss. For some, this loss is greater, for they have lost a loved one. My prayers and thoughts go out to you. God bless, |
The Mayor of New York City has reported that groups as far away as China are using the Internet to fraudulently accept donations for such reputable groups as the American Red Cross. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Call your local police department if you believe that a telephone call or email is part of a scam. |
Pedro, Thank you for such a thoughtful and caring gesture as the message board. I am lucky that my sister in Brooklyn got through to me yesterday. -Adele
, Sc.D. 217.244.2554 (Office)
Associate Professor 217.244.2235 (Fax)
Department of Speech & Hearing Science 217.244.9073 (TTY)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
901 South Sixth Street
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Thanks, for this much needed and useful service in time of crisis.
God Bless, New York University
Multi-Lingual Help Sites
This information might be of help and perhaps you can diseminate it.The National Association of School Psychologists has posted a number of materials for parents on copyn with tragedy. These handouts have been translated into several languages. People can access the NASP site at www.naspweb.org and following these links:
A National Tragedy - Helping Children Cope: Tips for Parents and Teachers
This handout has also been adapted by translators from the Fairfax County, VA, Public Schools. We encourage you to distribute the translations together with the original English handout, but please give proper attribution both to NASP and to the Fairfax County, VA, Public Schools.
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-with-Terrorism-Spanish.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-with-Terrorism-Urdu.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-with-Terrorism-Korean.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-with-Terrorism-Arabic.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-with-Acts-of-Terrorism-Farsi.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/Helping-Children-Cope-With-Acts-of-Terrorism-Vietnamese.pdf
- http://www.nasponline.org/NEAT/terror_eds_alt.html
- http://www.naspcenter.org/safe_schools/safeschools_disteach.html
- Desastres: Como Ayudar a los Niños a Enfrentarlos
- Teachable Moment School Safety
- http://www.nasponline.org/NEAT/teachmoment.html
- Primeros Auxilios para una Situacion Emocional: GuÌa Escolar para la Intervencion en una Crisis
- Emotional First Aid: A Schoolís Guide to Crisis Intervention
Save this feeling. No matter how horrifying it is now, it will fade but fight to hold on to it. The destruction felt by the nation this last week is something that is felt by families and communities on a daily basis throughout the world. Although the number of victims is generally much smaller, the tragedy of fatal/paralyzing car accidents, domestic violence, disease, extreme weather, financial catastrophes, and terrorism that is continually felt in the U.S. and around the world is just as real. The tremendous and awe-inspiring outpouring of unity, compassion, and generosity to the World Trade Center and Pentagon disaster victims and their families is something that should be exercised everyday. After the funerals are over, the rubble is cleared, and the towers are re-erected, others will need your empathy. We must continue to give money to those whose needs far out weight ours, donate blood for unexpected events, reach out to those left behind, and, most of all, pray. In the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack, a puppy in California was left without an owner. Consequently, hundreds of people offered to adopt it. We should be lining up to adopt, mentor, and care for all of the abandoned and "damaged" children in the U.S. and around the world long after this grief is over.
The passion that is flowing through our nation has proven that we have the resources to overcome horrendous circumstances and the power to reduce suffering both now and in the future. Imagine what incredible strength our national community could maintain if we save this feeling.
Keli Calderon
[email protected] - email
(972) 354-2521 x1458 - voicemail/fax
Fight Hatred and Racism...Not each other!!
We have to do our share to stop any possible retaliation and vigilante attacks against innocent people. Please see this image and forward its message to others.
In light of the recent tragedy, the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, whose mission aligns with efforts to promote understanding and respect for cultural diversity, has compiled a list of resources to assist educators in this difficult time. These resources can assist teachers and others in preventing cross cultural misunderstanding and persecution within schools and communities as well as promote healing and respect for differences. Broken down into three categories, the list includes resources on:
(1) the Middle East, Arab Americans, and Islam
(2) talking to children and helping them cope with violence and death
(3) challenging stereotypes, intolerance and racism, including lesson plans on community building and respect for diversity.
NCBE will continue to update this resource list in the future and solicits teaching tools, lesson plans, articles, and other resources from educators eager to promote cultural understanding in classrooms and communities.
Please submit your resources to .
Website: "Promoting Cultural Understanding in the Classroom"
by: |
A Preliminary Look at Former World Trade Center Tenants (Wall Street Journal) |
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